Like a Dragon Gaiden is a thrilling action-adventure game crafted by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and brought forth by Sega. This game is a part of the Like a Dragon series, revolving around Kazuma Kiryu, who takes on a secret agent role embroiled in a mysterious mission. Players dive into the intriguing narrative set within the world of Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

Platforms and Release Date

Launched on November 9, 2023, Like a Dragon Gaiden has captured the attention of gaming enthusiasts across multiple platforms, including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. It immerses players into Osaka’s intricate underworld, offering a compelling addition to the beloved Yakuza gaming saga.

Like a Dragon Gaiden Support Map Guide: Solve the Mysterious Note Stroll n’ Patrol Request

In this section of the game, players encounter the “Solve the Mysterious Note Stroll n’ Patrol” quest from Chapter 4 onwards. To start this mission, access the Support Map via the Akame Network in the game’s menu. Head to the Sotenbori Footpath, indicated by an exclamation point on the north side of the river, and speak to the quest giver there.

The quest giver provides a clue about an orb’s hidden location guarded by four turtles. Follow the clue to a specific structure on the south side of the city. Go to Shofukucho, east of the Sotenbori coin lockers, and locate a path with four golden turtles. Adjust the camera as indicated by the turtles to find a Gold Ball on a nearby terrace. Use the Spider gadget to retrieve this essential item.

Return to the quest giver with the Gold Ball to complete the mission, earning ¥50,000 in cash and 800 Akame Network Points. Additionally, explore the area for more quests to enhance your in-game experience.

Like a Dragon Gaiden Gameplay: Explore Sotenbori and Beyond

Players guide Kazuma Kiryu through the vibrant Sotenbori district in Osaka and the Isezaki Ijincho district in Yokohama. Engage in various side activities around the Castle, offering nostalgic experiences like karaoke, Pocket Circuit racing, the cabaret club, and the fighting arena. Akame, a new character, introduces intriguing sub-missions, enriching the overall gaming experience.

Kiryu in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name

Kiryu possesses two distinct fighting styles: Yakuza and Agent. The Yakuza style mirrors his traditional powerful combat, while the Agent style emphasizes speed and precision, incorporating cutting-edge gadgets for a dynamic combat experience.

Like a Dragon Gaiden Plot: Unravel the Mysterious Web of Conflicts

Set after Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, the game follows Kiryu, undercover as “Joryu,” working as a secret agent for the Daidoji faction. Encounter new characters and engage in diverse tasks, navigating alliances and betrayals, revealing a web of conflicts. The storyline takes players through a journey filled with twists and the dissolution of alliances against the backdrop of Osaka and Yokohama.

Like a Dragon Gaiden Release Date

Launched globally on November 9, 2023, on various platforms, Like a Dragon Gaiden brings a captivating narrative and diverse gameplay. The pre-order bonus DLC includes characters like Goro Majima, Taiga Saejima, and Daigo Dojima for the Arena minigame.


Q: How do I start the “Solve the Mysterious Note Stroll n’ Patrol” quest?
Progress to Chapter 4 and access the Support Map within the Akame Network. Speak to the quest giver at Sotenbori Footpath to activate the quest.

Q: Where can I find the Gold Ball for the quest?
Locate the Gold Ball in Shofukucho, east of Sotenbori coin lockers, by following a path adorned with four golden turtles. Use the Spider gadget to retrieve it.

Q: What fighting styles does Kiryu possess?
Kiryu has two distinctive fighting styles: Yakuza, focusing on traditional brawler combat, and Agent, emphasizing speed and precision with advanced gadgets.
