Mexican-American actress Salma Hayek was slammed online for remaining silent amidst the ongoing Balenciaga controversy.
The luxury fashion brand has been under fire for featuring kids playing with teddy bears dressed in b*ndage-themed leather harnesses, fishnets, and collars in their latest Spring/Summer 23 collection.
Trigger Warning: P*dophilia, child s*xual abuse
Amidst online criticism, Balenciaga brand ambassador Kim Kardashian broke her silence on the controversial ad campaign, stating that she was "shaken" and "disgusted" by the pictures.
However, online users are continuing to call out personalities like Bella Hadid, Nicole Kidman, and even Salma Hayek, who have been attached to the brand.
Salma Hayek's husband is the chairman of Kering Group, Balenciaga's parent company
Salma Hayek's husband, François-Henri Pinault, is the Chairman and CEO of Kering Group, the parent company of the now-controversial brand Balenciaga.
Hayek's name is being brought up after online critics of Balenciaga started calling out auction house Christie's for showcasing several art pieces with children, which featured genitalia in place of mouths and noses.
Made by artists Jake and Dinos Chapman, many pictures featured kids conjoined and had depictions of severed heads.
The parent company of Christie's, Groupe Artémis, is also headed by Salma Hayek's husband, Pinault.
François-Henri Pinault has been serving as the chairman and CEO of the Kering Group since March 2005. He graduated from HEC Business School in Paris and began working in the company in 1987. He quickly climbed the managerial ladder and was elected as the board's vice president in 2003 before heading it.
Salma Hayek, Pinault, and their daughters, Valentina and Matilde, attended the Balenciaga fashion show in March 2022. The Frida actress donned an all-black ensemble consisting of a knit top, a satin skirt, and a blue satin shirt.
Twitter is calling out Salma Hayek for being silent on the Balenciaga controversy
Twitterati slammed the Frida actress for staying silent during the ongoing Balenciaga issue, especially because she is connected to the brand via her husband.
Several users tagged Hayek and questioned her silence. Meanwhile, others demanded answers from her and Emma Watson since the two are on the board of Kering Group, which owns Balenciaga.
Various other celebrities who have regularly attended Balenciaga fashion shows in the past have yet to address the ongoing controversy or make any statement.
Nicole Kidman, who appeared in the Spring '23 campaign of the brand, did not address the situation as of this article's writing. Model Bella Hadid, sister of Gigi Hadid, also starred in the campaign but did not comment on the backlash the label received.
Reality stars Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner attended the Balenciaga fashion show in Paris in October 2022 but have not made any comments yet. Alexa Demie has also been facing online backlash for not condemning the label, with which she worked on one of its ad campaigns.
Even though Balenciaga issued a lengthy statement apologizing for their latest ad campaign and claiming they condemn child abuse, people don't seem to accept it and continue to bombard them with criticism.
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