The Year in Review Player Pick SBC went live in FIFA 23 on June 24, and it’s a unique challenge for players and their Ultimate Team squads. It guarantees a special card when the challenge is completed, and gamers also get to choose from four items. Moreover, there’s a common trend between all the items available in the reward pool – they appeared as SBCs and objectives during March, April, and May 2023.
This makes the challenge quite unique and lucrative since some amazing cards are in the reward pool. When they appeared as SBCs during the last three months, they were far more expensive. Similarly, certain cards are also available as rewards that should be avoided. Let’s take a look at the best and worst possible items players can receive from the Year in Review Player Pick SBC in FIFA 23.
Which are the best players in the FIFA 23 Year in Review Player Pick SBC?
The Year in Review Player Pick SBC costs around 120,000 FUT coins, but you can reduce this amount by using cards in your Ultimate Team collection.
You will make a profit as long as you pick an item with a higher market value than the coins you spending. Some cards you can pick from had massive completion costs when their SBCs originally became available. Each of the following costs way more than the 120,000 FUT coins the latest SBC will require:
- Kylian Mbappe POTM
- Ngolo Kante FUT Birthday
- Claudio Marchisio Trophy Titan Heroes
- Presnel Kimpembe Flashback
- Allan Saint-Maximin TOTS Moments
Apart from their high costs, each of these cards is extremely potent in the in-game meta. Their key stats make them perfect for beginner and veteran players alike, and they perform well in FIFA 23. Naturally, you should choose them automatically if you find one or more of them in the final reward picks.
Which are the worst players in the FIFA 23 Year in Review Player Pick SBC?
The major risk of this SBC is in the objective cards, as they were free. Investing your coins and fodder to pick them makes little sense when you could have obtained them earlier for free. Moreover, most of these aren’t strong performers in the meta:
- Patrick Bamford FUT Baller
- David Hancko TOTS
- Jerome Roussillon Showdown
- Joselu FUT Birthday
- Marcus Thuram TOTS
Of these five, Roussillon was part of an SBC, so he has some value, but it’s still best to avoid these items if they’re in your reward picks.
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